Design and delivery of critical infrastructure
Unique solutions for each customer - cooling, power supplies or other technologies with a precisely defined degree of redundancy.
Reducing energy consumption
We will help you understand what is drawing energy in your equipment and find ways to save it - while maintaining a secure environment for your IT equipment.
Active and passive cooling
Active cooling of IT technologies
We design and supply precision air cooling units with the possibility of humidification and dehumidification for precise control of temperature and humidity. The solutions are especially suitable for air conditioning...
Data networks and physical IT infrastructure
Fiber-optic and copper link, as well as IT racks, have to meet a number of criteria. However, nowadays, the most crucial are especially capacity and scalability.
Physical security of IT infrastructure
Increased legislative requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS 3.2 and SSAE 16 force IT infrastructure operators to continually increase the level of physical security of stored data.
Monitoring, control and software tools
If you do not measure, you cannot control and administer effectively. Collecting and analyzing data of power consumption, per consumption per equipment and surrounding environmental parameters will help you evaluate existing trends and their extrapolation...
Electrical power supply and distribution
Electrical wiring for critical IT infrastructure must be built redundantly, but also economically.
Fire protection
Fire protection in data centers, hospitals, administrative buildings and industrial halls is crucial in terms of destruction.