There are many opportunities to reduce energy consumption in data centers, server rooms and other critical infrastructure spaces to save on energy costs. Effective management of energy efficiency initiatives will help you see trends in energy consumption. Our solutions can help you understand what draws energy in your device and find ways to save it – while maintaining a secure environment for your IT environment.
We help create energy use benchmarks
It’s such a cliché, yet it’s still true: You can’t control what you don’t measure. By collecting energy usage data – preferably in an automated way – you will be able to see if your servers are running at full capacity. Our solutions evaluate trends in use over time and can inform or propose steps on how to save even more energy.
Consider using a single metric, such as Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE). Such metrics are now the industry standard for measuring the performance of technological units and in this case are simply the ratio of the amount of energy used by the device to the amount of the final product or final work. Adopting a dedicated software solution will help you calculate the PUE automatically and facilitate greater efficiency efforts.
Deploying environmental sensors
When operating critical infrastructure up to 4% of energy costs can be saved with each 1°C increase of the base ambient temperature. Setting values higher mean less frequent use of the air conditioning, which saves energy consumed for the operation of cooling systems.
For many data centers, IT rooms, and rooms with other technology infrastructure, this can lead to significant annual savings in the energy used for the cooling system. So how do you deploy environment sensors? Wiith our solutions, we recommend the use of temperature and humidity sensors in the upper, middle and lower part of technological and at the same time active devices (e.g. in IT racks) on the inlet side of the air flow so that the ambient temperatures are displayed in real time.
Control & switching of power supply elements
You don’t leave your home lights on when you go to work, so why should you leave your servers on at night and on weekends when no one is using them.
Test and other non-production servers can often be shut down to conserve power when out of use. To run a remote energy cycling program in your IT environment, start by measuring current servers and determine the most common downtime.
Intelligent PDUs with management capabilities will:
A) Carry out a thorough shutdown of the equipment to avoid the risk of data loss or damage,
B) Switch the device on or off with one or more power supplies in the set order,
C) Monitor the load / consumption of the server to minimize the risk of the circuit breaker tripping due to excessive switching current.
Software solutions
Monitoring and displaying energy in an IT-level manner is considered to be one way of laying the foundations for improving capacity management and energy efficiency of all critical infrastructure.
The systems we supply are used to keep up-to-date information on energy flows from multiple platforms, allowing data center and other critical infrastructure operations managers to assess consolidated results or track specific details based on all kinds of power issues.
Through these solutions, it can connect with existing corporate reporting systems and draw data from existing systems.