The rack coolers in the HiRef NRCD range offer an ideal solution for the cooling of small-to-medium size Data Center racks where precision control of hygrothermal parameters is required 24/7. They are particularly suitable for small installations where a chiller cannot be used or where restrictions do not allow for the presence of water in the Data Center. Internal design and component selection focus on the achievement of very high energy efficiency levels to minimize the running costs of the entire system. Depending on how rack cooling is done (by creating hot and cold aisles in the Data Center or via compartmentalization and localized cooling) the NRCD range is available in two different configurations:
- the “In Rack” configuration in which a closed circuit between rack cooler and rack is created;
- the “In Row” configuration in which cold air is released into the cold aisle towards each rack and the warm air is drawn from the rack cooler in the “hot aisle”

As cooling demand varies, the integrated microprocessor allows combined modulation of air flow – via control of the EC fans (as standard) – and cooling capacity, via speed control of the DC inverter compressors (as standard). This ensures not only precise adjustment of ambient hygrothermal parameters but also maximum energy savings at partial loads. All the models in the NRCD range have heat exchange coils with hydrophilic coating of the fins. This special coating – together with proper design of air through-flow speeds – eases condensate collection during the de-humidification process, thus avoiding the serious consequence of droplets being carried towards the unit exterior. The internal design and the carefully arranged component layout provide an evaporating coil with an extensive heat exchange surface area. The unit footprint remains small, ensuring optimal use of space in the server room.
Main features
– Lower noise level of outdoor units
– BLDC Twin Rotary high performance compressors as standard
– EC fans as standard feature
– Humidifying and dehumidifying function
– Refrigerant connections from the top or bottom of the unit
– Double stainless steel condensate drip tank
„Blower“ sensor (sensor for measuring temperature in hot corridor)
The Hiref Sensor Blower® allows temperature measurement in the hot aisle (unit return) with the fans off; this ensures fast restoration of the set-point, precision control of temperature and, above all, avoids wasteful use of electricity.

DX coils with hydrophilic treatment
All models of the NRC range are factory-fitted with DX coils with hydrophilic treatment of the fins.The particular coating, combined with proper design of the air flow passage velocity, encourages condensate collection during the dehumidification process,thus avoiding water drops being dragged outside of the unit.

Basic technical parameters of NRCD row-based cooling units: